Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Family: Vegas

I know what you're thinking. Tall margaritas, slot machines, and big hotels on the strip. I. Wish. Nah, I'm talking, Vegas, as in our family dog. It's almost hard to talk about her as the family dog, as she is actually more like a member than a pet. And if you know Vegas, you know what I mean.

She is soon-to-be seven years old. Her birthday is April 15, tax day, so we could remember it. Because who lets tax day go by without thinking about it? Nobody, that's who. In fact we have a soft spot for April dog birthdays in this house. Reno, (go ahead giggle at the casino link, I'll wait) her, er, uh, cousin's birthday is April 1. Today actually. Ya, April fools, you can teach two adult female dobermans to like each other. Needless to say we love Reno, but she loves her new home with our friend Pat, more. So here we are. A one dog family again.

And as if we would have anyone other than Christine McGuigan take photos of our family, here you go.